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Sponsor information

tumblewee is a retro-hip lifestyle blog about fashion, kid friendly cooking, home decor, baby products, our daily lives, and our etsy baby boutique! Our blog readership has been rapidly growing over the last few months, and we believe that tumblewee is a great place for fellow baby enthusiasts to advertise and promote their independent blogs/businesses!

If you are interested in sponsoring tumblewee here are our rates for the month of March:

If you wish to sponsor tumblewee for the month of March, please email us at:


with the following information:
-a link to your blog/shop
-the size of ad that you would like (subject to availability!)

We will then send you an email with any additional information within the first 24 hours! If you have any questions about thumbnail design, or would like us to do it for you, we would be happy to help!

*Please note: This is a for-profit blog and we will only accept sponsors that are a good fit for tumblewee. We have the right to dismiss all requests that do not fit tumblewee and our readers.

Lots of love,
meg & ash ♥